
Something that I love to get is free stuff. I mean, who doesn’t? I love when I go to my mailbox and look inside to find a pile of freebies sitting in there. I also love going to the store to get amazing products, handing over my coupons, and having my total be $0.00. I feel so accomplished and it really does kill that urge to shop.

Getting freebies can be as easy or hard as you make it. I like to look online for free stuff. There are a lot of great freebie websites that list free things that you can get as well as contests that you can enter to win free things. Don’t believe me? Search for yourself!

I have a thing for magazines, and right now I am getting every single one for FREE. I know this sounds too good to be true, but it isn’t. I will give you a little in on my freebies. is a great site to go to, to get free magazines. You never have to put in a credit card or form of payment, and you never receive a bill. You take a survey, earn reward dollars, and boom! Free magazines!. I promise, it is a site that I use on a regular basis. My best score there was an US Weekly subscription.

As far as my other freebies, I have gotten tons. My latest was a free “Say Yes To” product. I have already picked it up! My doggie loves me because she is constantly getting free treats. I actually just got two free bags of her food as well as two more bags for $2.00 a piece. She is certainly stocked up! I also collect free cat stuff and donate it to the local shelters.

Some freebies you may have to work for, some not. It all depends. Overall, it is one of my favorite things to do! I encourage freebie hunting, especially when you are in college. If you have any questions about it, ask!

Have yourself a cup of tea,


4 thoughts on “

  1. How in the world do you get all these freebies? Do you just like Google ‘freebies’? I feel like I’d end up with either porn or something shady… I want your secrets, please 🙂

  2. Jacqueline, I absolutely love the set up of your blog and I love free stuff! As a poor college student, I am literally on the hunt for freebies all day long. I really enjoyed reading this post !

  3. You definitely have a great hobby! I have tried to get in the practice of using coupons, but alas – I find that by the time I go shopping all of the coupons have expired. I really enjoyed reading your post! You have a passion for saving money and I think that its awesome that you want to share this information so every one else can reap the benefits :o)

  4. Freebie are a key to teacher survival. I know my friend’s ninth graders love the treasure box. Also your it helps your teacher salary go much further. Thanks for the ideas!

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